Create a CA

Saturday, 8. January 2011

I was tired of having all these invalid or untrusted certs on my network applications and devices so I decided to load up a CentOS box with OpenSSL and make my own Certificate Authority (CA).  See the steps after the jump. Read more �

SQL 2008 R2 on Windows 7

Wednesday, 5. January 2011

I wanted to write a quick post about an issue that I ran into but could not find much information on.  When running SQL 2008 R2 Management Studio on Windows 7 x64 ( I have not tried on 32 bit) there are a couple of catches.

  • First one I ran into is the user must run the Management Studio as an administrator if they are in an active directory group that has been given access to a database because if Management Studio is not run as administrator then for some reason the users group information is not passed to the SQL server.
  • Second is when connecting to a SQL 2005 server the user is not able to update or delete tables in a database.  Creating a new table was not an issue it was just when modifying, updating or deleting an entry in a table or the entire table its self.  The user was set to owner of the database and was not apart of any group.

The first issue is a pretty easy fix but I have not found a fix for the 2nd issue.