Hyper-V on Windows 8 – Wireless Network Does Not Work

Thursday, 7. March 2013

I recently upgraded one of my laptops to Windows 8 and I noticed that it could run Hyper-V, so I enabled the Hyper-V feature and everything went smooth until I setup the Virtual Switch.  I set it up to use my wireless NIC and I left the check mark for “Allow management operating system to share this network adapter”.  Once it was done setting up the Network Bridge and the vEthernet interface I could no longer access the network.   Read more �

SQL 2008 R2 on Windows 7

Wednesday, 5. January 2011

I wanted to write a quick post about an issue that I ran into but could not find much information on.  When running SQL 2008 R2 Management Studio on Windows 7 x64 ( I have not tried on 32 bit) there are a couple of catches.

  • First one I ran into is the user must run the Management Studio as an administrator if they are in an active directory group that has been given access to a database because if Management Studio is not run as administrator then for some reason the users group information is not passed to the SQL server.
  • Second is when connecting to a SQL 2005 server the user is not able to update or delete tables in a database.  Creating a new table was not an issue it was just when modifying, updating or deleting an entry in a table or the entire table its self.  The user was set to owner of the database and was not apart of any group.

The first issue is a pretty easy fix but I have not found a fix for the 2nd issue.

HyperTerminal in Windows 7

Friday, 23. October 2009

I have talked to a lot of professionals and one of the big complaints about Windows 7 is the lack of HyperTerminal.  So here is how to get HyperTerminal on to Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit).

On the Windows 7 box make a new folder under C:\Program Files\HyperTerminal for 32-bit and for 64-bit make a new folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HyperTerminal

From a Windows XP box and copy the following 3 files to the folder that was just created on the Windows 7 box:

C:\Program Files\Windows NT\hypertrm.exe

Now just run hypertrm.exe and HyperTerminal is on Windows 7.

If you want to have HyperTerminal on your Start Menu just create a shortcut to hypertrm.exe and put it inC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and when you go to All Programs under the Start Menu HyperTerminal will be there.

The only issue that I have noticed is that when creating a connection the icons do not show, but in my opinion that is a non issue.

A quick side note if you have problems getting your USB to Serial connection working under Windows 7 try getting drivers from http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=31.  The PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v10518.zip worked great for me.