RDCMan Change Passwords with PowerShell

Sunday, 3. March 2024

I have been using different RDP managers over the years and the last one I was using was Terminals. but the project has not been supported since 2019 and so security issues that come up will never be fixed. I recently moved to a different laptop and decided it was time to look for a different RDP manager. I landed on RDCMan from Sysinternals.

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PowerShell Universal Dashboard – Update Page On Button Click

Tuesday, 25. August 2020

I have recently gotten into working with PowerShell Universal Dashboard. At work we have some requirements that Universal Dashboard will help accommodate. So I got to work with the community edition to be able to do a proof of concept. Everything has gone very well and we are purchasing the suite. That being said the biggest issue I ran into was being able to update the page with results by pushing a button.

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PowerShell – Create Azure Route Table with Virtual network gateway route propagation

Thursday, 13. February 2020

Recently I was writing a script to create Azure Route Tables and I kept having issue with getting virtual network gateway route propagation to be enabled.

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Remove Passwords or Other Text from VSTS Git

Saturday, 18. November 2017

In a perfect world no one would ever store usernames and passwords in code.  We are on in a perfect world and I myself make mistakes and in the past I have created scripts that required passwords in them and I accidentally pushed the code to VSTS with the password entered.  So I had to figure out how to remove that from the history of the file.  I could have deleted the project and created a new one but I would have lost all my history of commits which I did not want to do.  Here is how I found to remove text from commit history.

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Enable Secure PowerShell Remoting

Monday, 6. November 2017

Working with a lot of VMs in Azure it has be come more essential to be able to run my scripts on many VMs at a time.  The first step in doing this is to enable remote PowerShell and keep it secure.  Below is the script that I use to enable remote PowerShell and generate a cert to use for encrypting the communication.

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Visual Studio Code with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

Sunday, 5. November 2017

I have been doing a ton of PowerShell scripts lately and I was wanting to find a way to tie into a version control system.  Originally I wanted to do something like GitHub but since I want to do a free option GitHub was out as everything is public on their free option.  So I looked at Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).  They offer 5 users for free and the repositories can be setup as either git or TFS.  So VSTS was it.

My next challenge was PowerShell ISE.  I was wanting to interrelate VSTS into ISE but I did not find a solution that I liked but I did stuble across Visual Studio Code.  VS Code is pretty neat.  It has a ton of addons and can support many languages including PowerShell.  Also there is an addon for VSTS which is nice.

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Snort Inline on CentOS

Monday, 3. August 2015

I have been wanting to setup Snort on a CentOS based firewall for a while and I finally got around to it.  The good thing is I finally got it working thanks to a blog Dennis Panagiotopoulos here, I have confirmed this works for CentOS 6.6 and 7.1.  The problem is as with getting Snort to run inline.  I was unable to find any thing on getting this to work correctly.  So here is what I had to do in addition to Dennis’s blog post:

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Hyper-V on Windows 8 – Wireless Network Does Not Work

Thursday, 7. March 2013

I recently upgraded one of my laptops to Windows 8 and I noticed that it could run Hyper-V, so I enabled the Hyper-V feature and everything went smooth until I setup the Virtual Switch.  I set it up to use my wireless NIC and I left the check mark for “Allow management operating system to share this network adapter”.  Once it was done setting up the Network Bridge and the vEthernet interface I could no longer access the network.   Read more �

Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Blocking winmail.dat

Thursday, 19. July 2012

When deploying Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange and enabling file filter the majority if not all emails being sent and received had the body of the message replaced with:


Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server removed a file since it was found to match a filter.
File name: “winmail.dat”
Filter name: “FILE FILTER= Blocked File Extensions: *” Read more �

Create a CA

Saturday, 8. January 2011

I was tired of having all these invalid or untrusted certs on my network applications and devices so I decided to load up a CentOS box with OpenSSL and make my own Certificate Authority (CA).  See the steps after the jump. Read more �